网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-26 09:02:09


1. 名词:尖叫声;呐喊声

- The sound of a woman's scream woke me up in the middle of the night.(一阵女子的尖叫声在半夜把我吵醒了。)

- The crowd let out a collective scream when their team scored the winning goal.(当他们的球队进了决胜球时,人群发出了一声集体的欢呼。)

2. 名词:非常激动或恐惧的情绪表达

- He let out a scream of frustration when his computer crashed for the third time that day.(当他的电脑当天第三次崩溃时,他发出了一声沮丧的呐喊。)

- The little girl's screams of joy could be heard throughout the house when she opened her birthday presents.(当她打开生日礼物时,小女孩欢乐的尖叫声在整个房子里都能听到。)

3. 动词:尖叫;大声喊叫

- The children screamed with excitement as they rode the roller coaster.(孩子们坐过山车时兴奋地尖叫着。)

- She screamed for help when she saw the spider crawling up her leg.(当她看到蜘蛛爬上她的腿时,她大声呼救。)

4. 动词:大声说出;喊出

- The protester screamed his demands at the of his lungs.(者高声喊出他的要求。)

- I could hear my name being screamed from across the room.(我能听到我的名字从房间另一边被大声喊出。)

5. 动词:表达强烈的情感或感觉

- The colors in the sunset were so beautiful that it made me want to scream.(夕阳中的色彩如此美丽,以至于我想尖叫。)

- When she saw the price of the dress, she screamed in disbelief.(当她看到裙子的价格时,她难以置信地尖叫了起来。)

