网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-25 15:57:18

secretary的正确发音是 /skrtri/,重音在第二个音节上。它的意思是“秘书”,通常指负责管理文件、记录内容以及协助高级管理人员的职位。

用法方面,secretary可以作为一个名词或者一个形容词来使用。作为名词时,它可以指公司或者组织中的秘书,也可以指部门中的高级官员。,“She works as a secretary in a law firm.”(她在一家律师事务所担任秘书。)“The secretary of state is responsible for foreign affairs.”(国务卿负责处理事务。)作为形容词时,secretary可以用来形容某个职位或者角色与秘书类似,但是权力和地位较低。,“He is the secretary treasurer for the local union.”(他是当地工会的财务秘书。)


1. She has been working as a secretary for over 10 years and is very organized.


2. The company is looking to hire a new secretary to assist with administrative tasks.


3. As the secretary of the board, it is her responsibility to record the minutes of the meetings.


4. The secretary of defense held a press conference to address the recent military actions.


5. The company's secretary treasurer was found guilty of embezzlement and sentenced to prison.


