网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-25 15:48:06



1. 作为形容词,rainy可以修饰名词或者代词,表示某个时间段或者某个地区的天气情况。

- It's been rainy for the past week.(过去一周都是多雨的。)

- The rainy season in this area lasts for about three months.(这个地区的雨季大约持续三个月。)

2. 作为名词,rainy可以指某个具体的雨天或者雨季。

- I love the sound of rain on a rainy night.(我喜欢在一个多雨的夜晚听雨声。)

- The rainy has just begun, so remember to bring an umbrella with you.(雨季刚刚开始,记得随身带把伞。)

3. 在英语中,还有一些习语和短语与rainy有关:

- Rainy day:指经济困难或者不顺利的时期。

:I lost my job last month, so it's been a bit of a rainy day for me lately.(我上个月失业了,最近对我来说有点儿困难。)

- Rainy season:指每年雨水较多的季节。

:The rainy season in Japan usually starts in June and ends in July.(日本的雨季通常从六月开始,到七月结束。)

- Rainy day fund:指储备金或者备用金。

:It's always a good idea to have a rainy day fund in case of unexpected expenses.(如果遇到意外开销,有备用金总是个好主意。)


1. The weather forecast says it will be rainy all week, so we should cancel our outdoor plans.


2. I love the smell of the earth after a rainy day, it's so refreshing.


3. It's been a very rainy summer, I hope we can still have some sunny days before autumn comes.


4. She always carries an umbrella with her, even on sunny days, because she's afraid of getting caught in a sudden rainy.


5. We should save some money for a rainy day, you never know when you might need it.



