网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-25 15:33:06



作为一个名词,在英语中,shangrila通常用作不可数名词,表示一个理想化、幻想化的地方。:“She always dreams of living in a shangrila, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.”(她总是梦想着生活在一个远离城市喧嚣的香格里拉。)此外,在西方文学和电影中,shangrila也经常被用作特定地点的名称。

除了作为名词之外,shangrila还可以用作形容词。当它被用作形容词时,一般表示某种神秘的、理想化的状态或情况。:“The peaceful village gave off a shangrila-like vibe.”(平静的村庄散发出一种类似香格里拉的氛围。)


1. The ancient texts describe shangrila as a hidden paradise, where people live in harmony with nature.


2. After years of traveling, he finally found his own shangrila in the mountains of Nepal.


3. The movie tells the story of a group of adventurers who embark on a journey to find the mythical shangrila.


4. In her paintings, she often depicts shangrila as a uian world, full of vibrant colors and peaceful landscapes.


5. The small town nestled in the mountains has been nicknamed “shangrila” by tourists for its picturesque scenery and tranquil atmosphere.


