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2024-04-24 21:34:52


2.七夕节的读音为q x ji,其中“七”读作q,意为第七个数字,“夕”读作x,意为晚上,“节”读作ji,意为节日。















5.七夕节(Qixi Festival)is a traditional Chinese festival, also known as "Qiqiao Festival", "Daughter's Festival", "Cowherd Festival", etc. Its origin can be traced back to more than 2,000 years ago in ancient China, and it is the background of a romantic love story.

1. The Qixi Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, also known as "Qiqiao Festival", "Daughter's Festival", "Cowherd Festival" and so on. Its origin can be traced back to more than 2,000 years ago in ancient China, and it is a romantic love story background.

2. The pronunciation of Qixi Festival is q x ji, where "七" is pronounced as q, meaning the seventh number, "夕" is pronounced as x, meaning evening, and "节" is pronounced as ji, meaning festival.

3. The Qixi Festival is an important love festival in Chinese traditional culture. People will have various customs and activities on this day. For example: giving exquisite handicrafts to female family members and friends, making beautiful paper cranes, releasing lanterns with wishes by the riverbank, admiring the moon and so on.

Example sentences:

1. Every year on Qixi Festival, I receive many exquisite handicrafts from my friends.

2. My friends and I made many beautiful paper cranes to celebrate Qixi Festival together.

3. On the evening of Qixi Festival, we went to release lanterns by the riverbank and made wishes.

4. In Chinese traditional culture, Qixi Festival is seen as a romantic festival and many couples express their love on this day.

5. It is said that if you can see the Cowherd Star and Weaver Star align on the evening of Qixi Festival, your wish will come true.

4.Qixi Festival is an important festival in Chinese traditional culture, so there are many related vocabulary. For example: Magpie Bridge, Weaver, Cowherd, chocolate, rose, etc.

Example sentences:

1. Every year on Qixi Festival, we build a magpie bridge at our doorstep, hoping to see the Cowherd and Weaver meet.

2. In Chinese ancient legends, the Weaver is a beautiful and kind goddess.

3. Qixi Festival is also known as "Cowherd Festival" because it is said that the Cowherd and Weaver meet through a silver river.

4. In modern society, chocolate has become an important gift to express love and is also very popular during Qixi Festival.

5. The rose is seen as a symbol of love and is often used to express love during Qixi Festival.

6. 总的来说,七夕节是传统文化中一个浪漫的爱情节日,它的起源可以追溯到古代,有着深厚的历史和文化内涵。在这一天,人们会通过各种各样的习俗和活动来表达爱意,赠送礼物、制作手工艺品、放飞灯笼、赏月等。同时,与七夕节相关的词汇也有很多,鹊桥、织女、牛郎、巧克力、玫瑰等。这些词汇不仅是语言表达的工具,更是传统文化中重要的符号和象征。随着时代的发展,七夕节也逐渐融入了现代社会,成为人们表达爱意和感恩的重要方式之一。

