网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-24 16:36:41

qb是一个英文缩写,可以许多不同的词语,具体含义根据上下文来决定。一般来说,qb可以表示“quarterback”的意思,即橄榄球比赛中的四分卫;也可以表示“quick bread”的意思,即快速面包;还可以表示“question bank”的意思,即题库。除此之外,qb还有其他含义,下面将详细介绍qb的用法及例句。


1. 表示“quarterback”的意思,即橄榄球比赛中的四分卫。在美式橄榄球比赛中,四分卫负责组织进攻,并传球给其他队员。:

- The qb threw a perfect pass to the receiver, who caught it for a touchdown.


2. 表示“quick bread”的意思,即快速面包。快速面包是一种不需要发酵就能制作出来的面包,在烘焙过程中使用化学发酵剂来使其膨胀。:

- I made some delicious banana bread last night using a qb recipe.


3. 表示“question bank”的意思,即题库。题库是指收集了大量问题和答案的资料,通常用于考试或测试。:

- The students are studying for their final exams using the qb provided by the teacher.



1. The qb of the football team is known for his accurate passes and strong leadership skills.


2. My mom always bakes delicious bread using a qb recipe that has been passed down in our family for generations.


3. The online course comes with a qb to help students prepare for their upcoming exams.


4. The qb on this quiz is really challenging, I need to study harder before taking it.


5. The company uses a qb system to keep track of all the questions and answers asked during job interviews.



qb作为一个英文缩写,可以有多种含义,如“quarterback”、“quick bread”和“question bank”。具体使用时需要根据上下文来理解其含义。希望本文能够帮助你更好地理解qb的意思及用法,并且能够灵活运用在日常生活中。记住,多阅读、多练习才能掌握这些知识点哦!
