网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-23 16:39:56


1. 作为动词,swish的意思是“发出嗖嗖声”、“飘动”、“摆动”等。它通常用来形容物体快速移动或摆动的声音和姿态。:

- The curtains swished as the wind blew through the window. (当风从窗户吹进来时,窗帘发出嗖嗖声。)

- She swished her ponytail as she walked down the street. (她走在街上时,马尾辫随着她的步伐摆动。)

2. 作为名词,swish可以指“轻快的声音”、“飘逸的姿态”等。它也可以指代一种运动技巧,在篮球、足球等运动中常见到。:

- The swish of the leaves in the breeze was calming. (微风中树叶发出的轻快声音让人感到平静。)

- Her swish and grace on the dance floor caught everyone's attention. (她在舞池里优雅地舞动吸引了所有人的注意力。)

- He made a perfect shot with a swish into the basket. (他投篮时轻松命中,球从篮筐里嗖地一声掉了进去。)

3. 在口语中,swish还可以用作形容词,意为“时髦的”、“高档的”。:

- She always wears the latest swish clothes. (她总是穿着最时髦的衣服。)

- The restaurant has a swish interior design. (这家餐厅的室内设计很高档。)

4. 另外,swish也可以指代一种运动装备品牌,专门生产篮球、足球等运动用品。


1. The model's dress swished as she walked down the runway.


2. The basketball player made a swish and scored three points for his team.


3. I love the swish and modern design of this hotel.


4. The new swish sneakers are so comfortable to wear.


5. The swish of the waves against the shore was a soothing sound.


