网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-22 22:43:01


1. 作为形容词时,steady通常用于描述物体、建筑或运动的状态。:

- The ship sailed steadily across the ocean. (这艘船稳稳地航行在大洋上。)

- She has a steady hand and can draw very precise lines. (她手很稳,能画出非常精确的线条。)

- The building was built on a steady foundation. (这座建筑是在坚固的基础上建造的。)

2. 作为副词时,steady通常用来修饰动词,表示动作平稳地进行。:

- She walked steadily towards the door. (她平稳地朝门走去。)

- The car slowed down and came to a s steadily. (汽车缓慢地减速并停了下来。)

- He breathed steadily, trying to calm his nerves. (他平静地呼吸着,试图镇定自己的神经。)

3. 在口语中,steady还可以用来表示“忠实的,可靠的”。:

- He's been my steady friend for years. (他多年来一直是我的好朋友。)

- She's looking for a steady job with good benefits. (她正在寻找一份福利好的稳定工作。)

4. 另外,steady还可以用作动词,意为“使稳定,使平稳”。:

- The therapist helped him steady his breathing and relax. (治疗师帮助他稳定呼吸并放松。)

- She held onto the railing to steady herself on the moving train. (她抓住栏杆来稳住自己在摇晃的火车上。)

5. 最后,steady还可以用来表示“保持平稳状态”。:

- The economy is finally starting to steady after months of decline. (经济在经历了数月的下滑后终于开始趋于稳定。)

- It took her a while to steady her nerves after the accident. (事故发生后,她花了一些时间来镇定自己的神经。)

