网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-19 17:11:31



1. watchover作为动词,最常见的意思就是“监视”,指对某人或某物进行持续的观察。比如:

- The security camera is watching over the entire building. (安全摄像头正在监视整栋建筑。)

- The police have been watching over the suspect for weeks. (已经对嫌疑人进行了几周的监视。)

2. watchover也可以表示“照看”、“照料”,特别是指对孩子或老人等需要特别关注和照顾的人进行照管。比如:

- My sister has been watching over my kids while I'm at work. (我上班时,我的姐姐会帮我照看孩子们。)

- The nursing home has professional staff to watch over the elderly residents. (养老院有专业人员来照顾老年居民。)

3. watchover还可以表示“守护”、“保护”,指对某人或某物进行保护,防止其受到伤害。比如:

- The knight vowed to watch over the princess and keep her safe. (骑士发誓要守护公主,并保证她的安全。)

- The bodyguards were assigned to watch over the VIP during the event. (保镖们被派去在活动期间保护贵宾。)

4. watchover也可以指“密切关注”、“留意”,特别是指对某人或某事的动向进行关注和观察。比如:

- The media is watching over every move of the celebrity couple. (媒体正在密切关注这对名人夫妻的一举一动。)

- The government is watching over the stock market closely. (正在密切关注股市的情况。)

5. 最后,watchover还可以表示“照料死者”,即指对死者进行后事处理和安葬等工作。比如:

- The funeral home will watch over your loved one's body until the burial. (殡仪馆会照料好你所爱之人的遗体,直到下葬为止。)

- It's a tradition in our culture to watch over our ancestors' graves during Qingming Festival. (在我们文化中,清明节时要照顾祖先的坟墓。)



1. I'm going on a business trip next week, can you watch over my dog for me? (我下周要出差,你可以帮我照顾一下我的狗吗?)

2. The police have been watching over the suspect's house for any suspicious activities. (一直在监视嫌疑人的房子,以防止任何可疑行为。)

3. The nurse will watch over you and make sure you take your medicine on time. (护士会照顾你,并确保你按时服药。)

4. The mother bird was watching over her eggs in the nest. (母鸟正在巢里守护她的蛋。)

5. The old man passed away peacefully with his family watching over him. (老人在家人的陪伴下平静地离世。)

