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2024-04-15 20:40:07

How to Translate "董事长助理" into English?


董事长助理 (dng sh zhng zh l) refers to the assistant of a chairman, who assists the chairman in managing and coordinating various tasks and responsibilities.


董事长助理 can be used in both formal and informal contexts. It is commonly used in business settings, such as in a company or organization, to refer to the person who supports and assists the chairman.


1. 公司的董事长助理负责协调各部门的工作。

(Gng s de dng sh zhng zh l f z xi tio g b mn de gng zu.)

The company's chairman assistant is responsible for coordinating the work of different departments.

2. 我是董事长助理,负责安排和拟定议程。

(W sh dng sh zhng zh l, f z n pi hu y h n dng y chng.)

I am the chairman's assistant, responsible for arranging meetings and drafting agendas.

3. 董事长助理在公司中扮演着重要的角色,帮助董事长处理日常事务。

(Dng sh zhng zh l zi gng s zhng bn yn zhe zhng yo de ju s, bng zh dng sh zhng ch l r chng sh w.)

The chairman's assistant plays an important role in the company, helping the chairman with daily tasks.

4. 董事长助理需要具备良好的沟通和协调能力。

(Dng sh zhng zh l x yo j bi ling ho de gu tng h xi tio nng l.)

The chairman's assistant needs to have good communication and coordination skills.

5. 雇主正在寻找一位董事长助理,要求有相关工作经验。

(G zh zhng zi xn zho y wi dng sh zhng zh l, yo qi yu xing gun gng zu jng yn.)

The employer is looking for a chairman's assistant with relevant work experience.

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