网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-15 20:36:17




1. 相信用英语怎么说?

2. 用法

3. 例句

4. 例句参考1-5条


1. Believe:这是最常见的表达方式,表示对某件事情或观点的认同和信任。

:I believe that he will come back soon.(我相信他很快就会回来。)

2. Trust:这个词更多地强调对某人的信任和依赖。

:I trust my best friend with all my secrets.(我对我最好的朋友有着绝对的信任。)

3. Have faith in:这个短语表示对某人或某件事情有着坚定的信心。

:I have faith in your abilities to succeed in this project.(我相信你有能力在这个项目中取得成功。)

4. Count on/upon:这个短语也是强调对某人或某件事情的依赖和信任。

:You can count on me to support you no matter what happens.(无论发生什么事情,你都可以依赖我来支持你。)

5. Rely on:这个短语也表示对某人或某件事情的信任和依赖,但更多地强调实际的行动。

:I rely on my team to help me finish this project on time.(我依靠我的团队来帮助我按时完成这个项目。)


1. I believe that everyone has the potential to achieve their dreams.


2. My parents always trust me to make the right decisions.


3. We have faith in our government's ability to handle this crisis.


4. You can count on your friends to support you during difficult times.


5. I rely on my instincts when making important decisions.

