网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-15 20:31:52



1. Destination 目的地:指旅行者计划前往或已经到达的地方。

例句:Our destination for this trip is Paris.

2. Itinerary 行程安排:指旅行者在某个时间段内所安排的活动。

例句:We have a tight itinerary for this trip, so we need to stick to the schedule.

3. Attractions 景点:指吸引人们前来参观、观赏或体验的地方。

例句:The city has many famous attractions, such as the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral.

4. Accommodation 住宿:指提供给旅行者休息和居住的场所。

例句:We booked a hotel for our accommodation during the trip.

5. Tourist 假日游客:指前往某个目的地参观、观光或度假的人。

例句:The city is full of tourists during the summer season.

6. Guide 导游:指带领旅行者参观、解说和介绍某个地方的人。

例句:Our guide gave us a detailed explanation of the history and culture of the city.

7. Souvenir 纪念品:指旅行者在旅途中购买的物品,用来纪念此次旅行。

例句:I bought some souvenirs for my friends and family back home.

8. Currency 货币:指某个所使用的货币。

例句:You can exchange your currency for local currency at the airport.

9. Visa 签证:指前往某个需要办理的入境许可证件。

例句:I need to apply for a visa before traveling to Japan.

10. Local cuisine 当地美食:指某个地方特有的食物或菜肴。

例句:We tried some local cuisine at a traditional restaurant last night.

