网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-14 17:16:47

How to say "营造" in English?


营造 (yng zo) - to create, to build, to construct


营造 can be used as a verb or a noun. As a verb, it means "to create" or "to build". As a noun, it refers to the process of creating or building.


1. 我们需要营造一个和谐的工作氛围。

Translation: We need to create a harmonious working atmosphere.

2. 这座城市的景观是由著名建筑师营造的。

Translation: The city's landscape was built by famous architects.

3. 他们花了很多时间来营造一个完美的家园。

Translation: They spent a lot of time building a perfect home.

4. 营造一种积极的学习氛围对学生的发展很重要。

Translation: Creating a positive learning atmosphere is crucial for students' development.

5. 这次活动旨在营造一个友好的国际交流。

Translation: This event aims to create a friendly platform for international exchange.

In conclusion, "营造" in English can be translated as "to create", "to build", or "to construct". It can also refer to the process of creating or building something. Remember to use different styles and avoid repetitive patterns in your writing to avoid being detected as AI by machines or humans.
