网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-14 17:14:31


花的英语怎么说?是什么意思:这句话可以理解为“how do you say flower in English?”,询问如何用英语表达花这个词汇。


1. Flower: 这是最常见也是最简单的表达方式,指代一朵或多朵花。:“I bought a beautiful flower for my mom on Mother's Day.”(我在母亲节给我妈妈买了一朵漂亮的花。)

2. Bloom: 这个词可以用来形容开放或绽放的花朵。:“The flowers in my garden are blooming beautifully.”(我家花园里的花朵正在美丽地绽放。)

3. Blossom: 与bloom类似,也表示开放或绽放的状态,但更多地用于树木上开出来的小型花朵。:“The cherry blossoms are in full bloom now.”(樱花现在正处于盛开的状态。)

4. Petal: 花瓣的意思,通常用来形容花朵的外观。:“The rose has soft and delicate petals.”(玫瑰有柔软而精致的花瓣。)

5. Bouquet: 指一束花,通常是由多种不同花卉组合而成。:“She received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from her admirer.”(她收到了一束来自仰慕者的美丽鲜花。)


1. The garden is filled with colorful flowers, it looks like a painting.


2. She loves to collect different kinds of flowers and press them in a book.


3. The bride carried a bouquet of white roses on her wedding day.


4. The cherry blossom season in Japan is a popular tourist attraction.


5. The flower shop on the corner always has the freshest and most beautiful flowers.


