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2024-04-14 17:11:44

How to Translate "离开" in English?


"离开" is a Chinese word that means to leave, depart, or go away from a place or situation.


In Chinese, "离开" can be used as a verb, adjective, or adverb. It can also be used in different tenses and forms to express the action of leaving.


1. As a verb:

- 我明天要离开北京去上海。(I will leave Beijing and go to Shanghai tomorrow.)

- 他已经离开公司一年了。(He has left the company for a year already.)

2. As an adjective:

- 这是我离开家乡后第一次回来。(This is my first time coming back after leaving my hometown.)

- 她的离开给我们带来了很大的影响。(Her departure has brought us great impact.)

3. As an adverb:

- 我们匆忙地离开了室。(We hurriedly left the meeting room.)

- 他突然地离开了我的生活。(He suddenly left my life.)

Translation Suggestions:

1. Leave

This is the most common translation for "离开". It can be used in all contexts and tenses, making it a versatile option.

2. Depart

Similar to "leave", this word also conveys the action of leaving but with a slightly more formal tone.

3. Go away

This phrase is often used when someone leaves a place for an extended period of time or permanently.

4. Take off

This phrase is commonly used when referring to leaving by plane or other means of transportation.

5. Move on

This phrase implies moving forward and leaving something behind, often used when talking about emotional or personal departures.

In conclusion, "离开" can be translated in various ways depending on the context and tone. It is important to choose the most appropriate translation to accurately convey the meaning of the original Chinese word.
