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2024-04-14 17:09:29

How do you say "胜利者" in English?


"胜利者" is a Chinese word that means "winner" or "victor". It refers to someone who has achieved success or triumphed in a competition, battle, or other challenge.


In English, "胜利者" can be translated as "winner", "victor", or "champion". It is often used to describe the person or team that has won a game, race, or contest. It can also be used more broadly to refer to someone who has achieved success in any area of life.

Example Sentences:

1. The 胜利者 of the marathon crossed the finish line with a time of 2 hours and 30 minutes.

2. The 胜利者 of the singing competition was announced last night.

3. He is determined to be the 胜利者 in his career and will work hard to achieve his goals.

4. The team celebrated their victory and lifted their 胜利者 trophy high in the air.

5. She may not have won the race, but she is still a 胜利者 in our eyes for completing it.

Random Styles:

1. How do you say "胜利者" in English? Well, you could use words like "winner", "victor", or even "champion".

2. What's the English equivalent for "胜利者"? It could be translated as "winner", "victor", or even "champion".

3. Have you ever wondered how to say "胜利者" in English? You could go with words like "winner", "victor", or even "champion".

4. Do you know how to translate "胜利者" into English? You could use terms like "winner", "victor", or even "champion".

5. "胜利者" in English? Easy peasy. You can go with "winner", "victor", or even "champion".

In conclusion, "胜利者" can be translated as "winner" or "victor" in English, and it refers to someone who has achieved success in a competition or challenge. It is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts and has different translations depending on the situation. So whether you're talking about the 胜利者 of a game, a competition, or life in general, you now know how to say it in English.
